After the death of George Floyd, immediate action is needed by state and local leaders. State Assembly candidate Ed Hibsch calls on Governor Evers and legislative leaders to assist municipalities and county governments with implementing reforms.
Kenosha, WI – After the death of George Floyd, immediate action is needed by state and local leaders. State Assembly candidate Ed Hibsch calls on Governor Evers and legislative leaders to assist municipalities and county governments with implementing reforms.
“I commend the Kenosha County Board for taking immediate action by drafting a resolution in favor of body cams and an independent review committee” stated Hibsch. “We must stand against calls for defunding our law enforcement in anyway, instead we should be grateful for their service and find ways to prevent future abuses of power."
The large majority of our police officers are good and decent men and women. We are grateful for their brave service. It is imperative that we support our men and women in uniform but also make reforms that prevent future abuses. Specifically, we are calling for:
State funding to assist local communities with receiving body cams for their officers
Promote and expand community policing efforts
Having an independent review committee to analyze potential officer crimes
We look forward to discussing solutions to the challenges that we face throughout our campaign.
Authorized and Paid for By Ed Hibsch for State Assembly - Paul Francetic, Treasurer